Rodeo Results Application Fee

Updated: 12/28/2022

The Rodeo Results Application Fee (App Fee) is the cost our partnered producers pay for using our payment processing service. When entering through the Rodeo Results mobile app (if offered by the producer), our App Fee costs 3.5% + $1.99 per transaction. When entering through the Rodeo Results website (, our App Fee is 4.5% + $2.49 per transaction.

The vast majority of people call this a “credit card fee.” That’s incorrect. The correct term is Application Fee, the definition being a fee for facilitating payments for any 3rd party business.

That’s how payment processors (like our partner Stripe) make money as a business. They facilitate online payments for 3rd party businesses.

Our partnered producers have three options when handling the App Fee. They can;

  1. Bare the cost in full
  2. Pass the cost onto the rider
  3. Up charge it

Contact the producer to know what is being charged.